The Catch Up Post
Things have been pretty busy here, so my writing has been lacking. I've just started a new job which is exciting and daunting at the same time. It feels bittersweet that its an area in which Dad would of been on my daily speed dial, I think he would be pleased but its been a painful realisation that I'm finally doing something he would be really proud of and he isn't here to see it.
Ive had a few friends lose parents recently and I've reached out knowing how isolating and scary the beginning is. I hope they know they can talk to me, even if they haven't got much they feel they want to say.
Im still volunteering with the bereavement group and enjoying feel like im making a difference there, its a great team of people who really take others thoughts and opinions into account ensuring all the volunteers feel valued
My training has been lacking lately through one thing and another but ive picked back up this week and am feeling in control and eager, this week is the first week I've had meals planned and shopped for.
I ordered some new pods for my Air up and mine were winter themed scents, so i now have cola, pear, apple and raspberry and wait for it, iced coffee! I know a lot of people aren't sure about the air up and its reliability but I really like it and it keeps me drinking my water.
I've been questioning the way I respond to things lately and if there is a neurodiversity there, wonderful friends and their experiences have helped me to process this a bit. I'm not looking for anything concrete I'm happy, its more learning about myself.
Hobbies are still featuring heavily but aside from the fish/frogs/tadpole interest and reading not much else is sticking at the moment! My medication has just been increased so Ive been feeling a bit off and its been difficult to motivate myself into routine habits.
Im really enjoying our discord group and getting to chat to people, I like the laughs and I feel useful and engaged when im helping others.
As of this week coming I will have the new job, volunteering, private coursework and training to keep me busy alongside everything else that comes with everyday life, I just hope im ready for it.